Thursday 17 February 2011

Joke!! (2)

Why do elephants live in the jungle?
Because they cant't fit inside houses.
What do you call a cow riding a skateboard?
A cow-tastrophe about to happen.
What do you get if you cross a parrot with a shark?
An animal that talks your head off.
Why did the elephant paint the bottom of his feet yellow?
So he could hide upside down in custard.
What's black and white and eats like a horse?
A zebra.


What happened when the dog went to the flea circus??
He stole the show.
Why are four-legged animals bad dancers?
Because they have two left feet.
Whar do you call a woodpecker with no beak?
A headbanger.
What do you get when you cross a mountain lion and a parrot?
I don't know, but when it talks, you had better listen!
What do you get when you cross a chicken and a caterpillar?
Drumsticks for everyone!
What do you call a lamb with a machine gun?
What do cats put in soft drinks?
Mice cubes.
What's 150 feet long and jumps every ten seconds?
A dinosaur with the hiccups.
What do you call a camel with three humps?
What do you call a duck with fangs?
Count Quackula.
What did mr and mrs chicken call thier baby?
What do you get when you cross a rooster with a steer?
A cock and bull story.
Why did the chicken cross the basketball court?
He heard the referee calling fowls.
What do you call an elephant in a telephone box?

Athena- The dog runner??

she run hit run hit..
got so much hp also run...sad a nub..

Wednesday 16 February 2011

ScreenShot with Torrent

Chat Room

Dear People ,
From today onwards we will chat here....

i would like to be your counsellor!!!~.~
Am i welcome???
if i be your counsellor i be busy with my homework and my computer!! T.T i don want....

Dear People ,

Thank for you guys supporting...
my blog have 29 post now^^
it up by 5...
once post was me and alot others people playing labyrinth...
See the nice SS^^

Propane . The SNSD Crazy!!!

3rd: Sunny
6th: Taeyeon
7th Sooyoung
8th: Seohyun
9th: Hyoyeon